February 18, 2009

1st Blog Anniversary

I started this Blog exactly a year ago, so today is its first anniversary. It currently contains 79 posts and is visited by around 100 people a day.

The wealth of quality Soul music is endless and I strongly believe that MUSIC is the most precious invention of humankind.

Some people say that “Silence is Gold” while others cherish moments of “Peace and quiet”. Well, I prefer when silence is broken and the air is filled with beautiful sounds that caress our ears and touch our souls.

Today I celebrate this special occasion with something…….different. I have uploaded for your listening pleasure an X-Rated Soulful House 12inch rarity. Add some kinky excitement to your musical horizons!!!

Download file below (320 kbps)Total time 8:52


  1. Congratulations!This is a wonderful blog,full of great music,rare treats and a positive vibe.best wishes Martin

  2. Congrats!
    And thanks so much for sharing!

  3. Happy Anniversary to one of the greatest blogs around! Keep 'em coming Nikola!!!

  4. What a way to celebrate an anniversary: twisted and fantastic record!! Great job.

  5. Cheers, and thanks for all the beautiful music.
    I agree with you music makes this life worth living!


  6. Your Blog is second to none. Yet, I was surprised by this House track you posted. Very filthy and way too wicked....LOL. As far as sex music is concerned, you're the best!!!

  7. COngratulations and thank you very much from California. You have a fantastic blog!! Keep it up

  8. Hi,
    Just discover your blog (with a research on Crystal Winds) and downloading like a bastard...
    Shame on me!
    I know what you mean about breaking silence: I have a radio-show for 3 years and you can count the "thank you" on the fingers of one hand!
    Anyway, I give you one today.

